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Monday, May 5, 2014

Highgate Cemetery in London - the east side

Located in Highgate, in the borough of Camden in greater London, Highgate Cemetery, consists of two distinct parts: the west side, which is the oldest and which requires a guided tour to visit, and the east side, which is open to the general public (for a fee, covered in the price of the tour ticket to the west side).

Although burials are still permitted in both parts of the cemetery, most of the recent interments have been in the east -- certainly some of the more interesting memorials and sculptures are on the east side. Still, the west side is a must-see for the cemetery afficionado, as you'll see in my next post.

Karl Marx

"Emperor" faithful friend of Anne Crisp -- it's her tomb but his relief.


Manager of the Sex Pistols

Fought in the Union army during the American Civil War

The upright bit of stone says it all

Anna Mahler

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